The Disruption of the Automotive Industry by Electrification
I am not saying that John would be ecstatic that a man from Cornwall claiming to be his son has built a three-wheeled gull-wing vehicle from a converted Reliant Robin. In fact, I am sure he would be aghast if he were still alive. I am saying that John would be beyond amused to be watching the automotive industry turned upside-down by the electrification of automobiles. For those of you who do not know, John DeLorean was the father of the Pontiac GTO and the youngest division head at GM ever. However, his jet-setting personality and business vision made him enemies. DeLorean started DeLorean Motor Company and created the now-iconic DMC-12 of “Back to the Future” fame. For all of its’ shortcomings, the DMC-12 was out to prove to the world a car could be produced that could last you a lifetime. Thus, the stainless steel body. This was a radical idea and did not make John more friends in a business dependent on consumers buying more cars not less.
The electric automobile is as old an idea as the automobile itself. But it is only now that the idea has reached critical mass. Like it or leave it, the age of the electric vehicle and the funeral of internal combustion are upon us. Environmental pressure from consumers and governments has completely upended the industry status quo and forced some into the future kicking and screaming.
We here at Integrated Control Systems Inc are here to help you avoid disruption. You need not kick and scream. We are a certified Inductive Automation Ignition® integrator and have been designing and deploying world-class Manufacturing Execution Systems since 1994. Find us on the web at

Photo Credit: DeLorean Motor Company
National Instruments. (2021, October 13). Vehicle Electrification:Disrupting the Automotive Industry and Beyond. Retrieved 2021, from